Our Mission

We strive to strengthen our community through promoting an active Muslim lifestyle. Through Marjaan, we hope to strengthen our Muslim identity, build lasting bonds, create a positive image of Islam, and provide a faith-based outlet to all.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building

Our History

Marjaan was founded in 2007 by a group of Muslim youth. We noticed a need in the community for a place where people couldcome together and engage in things we love to do—physical activities and sports—as well as to promote and discuss our faith. We wanted to provide an avenue to build long-lasting relationships with members of our community. Our intent was to support each other in maintaining and strengthening our iman (faith).

We started small initially, with local masjid-centered events. Since then, we have held numerous community events and sporting events over the last 15 years and now lead one of the largest annual basketball tournaments in the Southeast region.

We know the community has a need for an organization like Marjaan. So we are now striving to expand Marjaan’s reach even further by expanding our athletic events.

What is Marjaan?

The actual name of Marjaan was taken from Surat al Rahman. It means precious gems or jewels, also translated to mean coral; as coral was once referred to as beautiful jewels/pearls hidden under the sea. The idea was symbolic in the naming of Marjaan. For it signified the existence of precious jewels or pearls that lay hidden, yet only need to be searched for to be realized. This is how we view the youth in today’s Muslim Ummah. We are all precious jewels, gems, pearls, yet each one of us needs to be found under the scope of Islam to be polished and groomed to become valuable assets to society. We all lay beneath the surface at various locations, and though we will all be found with dirt on ourselves; to polish that off and realize our beauties is what will make us all precious to society.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting

Our Team

Our strength lies in our individuality....

Faraz Iqbal


Tanzil Manawar


Akmal Hossain


Ajmal Hossain


Syed Ahmed


Mahmood Ramzan


Shoaib Patel